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International Schools Partnership

Empowering Bellevue Children’s Academy through a global, learning-centric community.

As a proud member of the International Schools Partnership (ISP), Bellevue Children’s Academy benefits from a fusion of local engagement and global reach. Upholding ISP’s mission of ‘growing learning, growing schools‘, we amplify our student’s experiences and achievements. This global network empowers our mission, cultivating globally-aware students who continually surpass their own expectations.


The Core of ISP:
Growing Learning, Growing Schools

Putting Learning at the Forefront

At the core of ISP is ‘Amazing Learning,’ a guiding principle that pushes educational experiences beyond expectations, cultivating curiosity and resilience. Our collaboration with ISP reinforces this commitment, equipping students to attain learning outcomes that both amaze and empower them.

Cultivating a Global Community of Schools

ISP’s network spans 81 schools across 22 countries, fostering an expansive, global community of learners. This vibrant ecosystem contributes to the broader ISP mission of each school becoming the local school of choice. In this framework, BCA benefits from a diversity of perspectives, curricula, and innovative practices.

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