Choosing the right education setting for your child is essential to their academic success. For several reasons, private schools can offer an education that you cannot find in public schools. According to Fatherly, private school students outperform their public school counterparts. On average, they score four points higher on the ACT, 18 points higher on math tests in the eighth grade, and eight points higher in math in the fourth grade. International schools are private schools with a difference. Learn what the difference is.
They Are Based on Academic Excellence
International institutions share a global curriculum based on academic excellence. They began as a way to serve ex-pats, who are individuals living and working in a country other than their country of citizenship. Ex-pats and their families need a school system that would provide top-notch education that could transfer worldwide as they move around the world. Today, international schools are highly sought after by parents who want their children to receive the best education.
They Follow a Global Curriculum
One of the key differences between an international school and a local private or public school is that an international school follows an international or global curriculum. In contrast, a local private or public school follows a national curriculum. This difference is important, especially now with the new global economy. Students are taught at the international school with an international lens instead of a national lens.
They Have Low Student-to-Teacher Ratios
Class sizes are small in an international school. Every child gets the individualized attention that they deserve to succeed academically. Students do not have to battle for the teacher’s attention. More emphasis is on forming relationships between students and staff to ensure that each student gets the support they deserve.
Their Teaching Staff Is Highly Qualified
Teachers are fully vetted and highly qualified at international schools and often come from around the globe. Teachers bring their unique culture to the international school setting and share that culture with the students. Highly qualified teachers are degreed in the subjects they teach as well.
They Have Amazing Extra Curricular Programs
One of the reasons that international school options are so popular is because it is a fully immersive experience for the students. There is a good balance between a focus on academics and a focus on extracurricular activities. International schools have programs for everything from swimming lessons to coding clubs to ensure students can develop their interests.
If you are looking for a well-rounded education for your student, you should check out what international education offers. You will find a lot of positive differences. Give us a call today at Bellevue Children’s Academy to learn more.