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Pre-K programs are essential to early childhood learning. According to Think Progress, a child who does not attend preschool is 25% more likely not to finish high school. Good pre-k programs get children off to the right start academically. Here are three things that every parent needs to know about pre-k programs before they enroll their child.

1. Preschools Are Not All the Same

Preschools are only effective if the high-quality program has a well-designed curriculum. Not all preschools are the same. It is up to the parents to be well-informed when they are choosing a program. A high-quality program will have highly qualified teachers encouraging students and getting their curiosity going. High-quality programs also focus on the individual learner and finding ways to engage every child.

The right program is designed to make learning fun. There is no line drawn between play and learning. Making education fun in early education fosters a love of learning.

2. Class Size Matters

It can be difficult to keep the attention of a three or four-year-old, and that difficulty increases exponentially when a classroom is overcrowded. Small class sizes matter. Overcrowded public preschool settings are less effective than smaller private school settings. In early education, children need a lot of attention. In overcrowded classrooms, it can be difficult for children to get the one-on-one attention that they deserve at this age. Because of this need, a good program will have a low student-to-teacher ratio. Each child should be heard and get one-on-one guidance when they need it.

3. Home and School Partnership Is Important

The right pre-k programs don’t only educate the child. They help parents to educate their children. Great programs invite parents to participate by informing them about their child’s progress and creating a home/school alliance to benefit the child’s growth and development. A sense of community where everyone puts the child’s well-being first is an important part of education. Private schools are the ideal setting to foster this sense of community.

Your child’s education is vital to rearing your child to become a high-functioning, compassionate adult. Choosing the right pre-k program is the first step to creating a love of learning and academic success. Give us a call today at Bellevue Children’s Academy to learn more.

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